Basset Hound Azul

Este é o fórum dedicado exclusivamente à raça Basset Hound! Troque ideias e tire dúvidas sobre esta raça.

Moderador: casadotrevo

Mensagens: 2
Registado: segunda fev 17, 2003 5:31 pm
Localização: cães, gatos, cavalos, etc, etc...

terça ago 16, 2011 9:32 pm


Gostaria que me esclarecessem numa questão: a pelagem azul (ou cinzenta) nos basset hounds. Tanto quanto sei, trata-se de um gene recessivo que se traduz pelo aparecimento da cor cinzento-azulada em vez da normal preta em bassets tricolores... mas porquê, como acontece? Estão associadas doenças genéticas a estes casos?

Muito obrigada.
Membro Veterano
Mensagens: 285
Registado: segunda mar 29, 2010 8:23 pm

domingo set 04, 2011 11:32 am


The value of a Basset should not be based on its color or markings. The tri-color is the most common, followed by the red & white. Tri's at times can appear to be black and white, but on closer inspection, a touch of brown usually can be found. Red & whites can be almost completely white with just a few spots of tan, or they can be a deep mahogany color with only a small amount of white. Most come somewhere in between. There are also lemon & whites. A true lemon is rarely seen. Their markings are mostly white that fades into areas of very, very light tan. To tell if it is a true lemon, the puppy, at birth is totally white with no hint of tan. The light tan color develops as they mature. It should also be noted that the color and coverage of the marking of the puppy you get at 10-12 weeks will change as they mature. Every once in a while, you will hear of someone advertising the "rare" blue Basset (actually it is gray). The standard states "any recognizable hound color is acceptable", and blue is a recognized color in some other hound breeds, so it's not illegal - but it is VERY undesirable. It is a recessive trait resulting in genetically inherited disorders associated with this color. Be wary of breeders selling these "blue" bassets. A reputable breeder would not involve themselves in purposely breeding inferior quality."

by: ... Hound.aspx

Ou seja, é uma característica recessiva, que resulta de distúrbios geneticos herdados associados com essa cor.

Espero ter ajudado.
"Não há diferenças fundamentais entre o homem e os animais nas suas faculdades mentais...os animais, como os homens, demonstram sentir prazer, dor, felicidade e sofrimento. " (Charles Darwin)

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